Mundo’s United Kingdom freedom rating is basically a freedom index whereby our team of experts rates a combination of freedoms, which include political stability, personal safety, lifestyle, taxation, and investment potential.
Political Stability: 8
The United Kingdom includes the constituent nations of Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland has a stable parliamentary democracy. The United Kingdom is ruled under a constitutional monarchy. The country is governed by a queen or king who accepts the directives of the parliament. Britain holds a free election every five years. The highest offices in the government are operated by the members who are elected by the citizens.
The great political stability of the United Kingdom has resulted in the country to have a highly developed market economy. The stable political stability in the United Kingdom has enabled different businesses to thrive and expand in the big cities.
The politics of the United Kingdom are enshrined in harnessing the relationship between the citizens and the government. The crime rates in Britain has dropped in the reign of Boris Johnson including manslaughter and murder. This has enabled big and small investors to do their business in a peaceful working environment.
We can give the political stability of the United Kingdom an eight because of the Brexit effects which has left some of the part of the country economically unstable.
Personal Safety: 7
Generally, the United Kingdom is a safe place for everyone. Violent crimes do not happen quite often, but you might encounter crimes such as pickpocketing and phone snatching in crowded areas in big cities. We recommend you to be extra careful when in crowded places such as in streets, malls, in buses, or when travelling with a train. President Johnson has empowered the police to fight violent crimes in the country by ensuring police numbers have increased in the recruitment process.
The United Kingdom is known to host a big number of foreigners who are also protected by the constitution.
Restaurants, pubs, cafes, hotels, and clubs have been discovered to attract thieves who like to engage in a swift strategy of snatch and grab. To prevent this crime we advise you not to leave your luggage hooked back on your seat. There are some common scams that have been identified in England which include car burglary, ATM break-ins, ticket scams, and bank robbery.
The United Kingdom has come up with a professional taskforce that combats the increase of robbery and theft cases. Britain has embraced a surveillance information technology system that can track and retrieve insecurity cases in the big towns. This is a huge development and progress which has reduced theft and robbery cases with a big percentage.
We can give personal safety in the United Kingdom a seven because of the few crimes that occur in the big towns.
Lifestyle: 10
The United Kingdom is a friendly and welcoming place to live in. It is a great country to make new explorations, try new food, and spend holidays visiting big towns and attractions. A lot of cheap hotels and restaurants are available for low class earners and students on a budget. The supermarkets in the United Kingdom are fantastic places to get affordable options for snack and lunch, which reduces the cost of living.
Britain uses its own currency known as the pound. Cash devices like (ATMs) are easy to get in the banks. You can pay your bills using a credit or a debit card almost everywhere in the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom is a beautiful nation with a lot to explore in the country. It is easy to use public transport in the big cities. Trains are the cheapest and fastest way to travel, especially for long trips.
Nightlife in Britain is charming and beautiful with something to attract your eyes. Evening entertainment is based in big restaurants, clubs, and pubs. These are awesome places where you can have a drink and snack with your friends after work. If you are a fan of music, and movies you can get them in the big towns. You can keep your body physically fit by running or cycling your bicycle in the town. Fitness centers and gyms are cheap in the towns.
Britons are known for their diligence, creativity, and innovation. People in the United Kingdom are known for their hard work, but individuals here like enjoying life and resting. If you have the passion to explore, Britain is your country, the inhabitants love the outdoors, so you will get a lot of individuals skiing, surfing, and hiking. Living in the United Kingdom is not cheap, particularly in London but there are other cities you can live in like Edinburgh, Coventry, and Glasgow. There is a good reason to live in the United Kingdom. We can give the United Kingdom lifestyle a rating of ten.
Taxation: 8
Approximately thirty two million persons pay taxes in the United Kingdom. Britain tax rates are the same for every individual regardless of their country of residence. A person who is a British resident is taxed on worldwide income. Non-residents in the United Kingdom, pay on the income earned within the country.
The United Kingdom is a great place for both the employers and incoming investors in the area of individual taxes. National Insurance contributions are payable by individuals at rates of 12 % on weekly income between 149 euros and 797 euros.
If a person is a resident and lives in the United Kingdom, the individual is taxed according to the universal income and capital gains. If the person is not a British resident, the individual is taxed on the British source income. Visitors and tourists to the United Kingdom can buy tax-free during their stay in the country. They are allowed to claim for a refund on any Value Added Tax paid for the kinds of stuff bought within the country.
A big number of people who earn income for their employers have Britain income taxes and National Insurance contributions deducted from their paychecks. The employers use PAYE (Pay-as You-Earn) system to subtract all necessary wages before paying the employees.
Special reliefs are granted to visually disabled persons and pensioners.
Investment Potential: 10
Britain has been ranked to be an easier country to start an offline business or an online business compared to countries in European economies. It is very easy to register your company in the UK which can be done in less than twenty four hours. All big banks can provide business banking services.
The United Kingdom is one of the best leading business locations to invest in different kinds of businesses. The country has a diverse and rich market with global class industries including automotive engineering, Information Communication Technology, business services, and many more. The United Kingdom gives you a comfortable place to operate your business with a lot of ease to get customers, supplies, innovators, partners, and distributors. The United Kingdom has a lower complexity of employment index compared to other European Union countries showing that Britain is a comfortable place to hire new employees.
London is one of the big cities in the world with the highest GDP. This makes Britain an important financial center for international business people. The London stock exchange has $6 trillion in terms of market capitalization, which makes it to be the third largest in the stock exchange in the European Union Countries.
The United Kingdom has maintained its leading position in terms of investment potential by coming up with highly attractive policies for investment and business. Britain encourages exports and investment which makes it to be preferred by a big number of business-people in Europe.
The legal system protects and supports business interests, which reduces burdens and hardships in businesses. The United Kingdom national infrastructure plan has come up with a smart strategy to do business in the country with efficient communication and transport systems that enable businesses to expand and thrive.
The United Kingdom encourages foreign direct investment. There is no discrimination between foreign and national individuals in the operation and formation of private companies in the country. Foreign investment in Britain has been supported by the department of international trade which boosts investment potential in the area.
We can give the United Kingdom a ten rating in terms of investment potential because it gives local and foreign investors a space to operate their businesses successfully.
The United Kingdom has a powerful political stability which brings peace, unity, and development in the country. You don’t have to fear when in this country because it has ultimate security protection for all visitors and tourists. It is affordable to live in some towns while others are expensive to reside in. It is also easy to pay your taxes in this country as it has been provided in the constitution.
You can start your business from scratch in the United Kingdom and you can be assured it can grow to the highest heights.
Britain is one of the developed countries where you can live with your family and do your business. And we are here at MUNDO to help you with that.
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